What is virtualization?
Virtualization is essentially a piece of technology that uses software to create an abstraction layer over physical hardware. This creates a virtual compute system, also known as Virtual Machines (VMs). This allows organisations to run multiple virtual computers, operating systems and applications on a single physical server.
Imagine the same idea as partitioning a laptop to run Windows and MacOS – essentially by partitioning a physical server, you end up with multiple virtual servers. Simply put, by efficiently using the amount of physical hardware available, it provides a greater return on a company’s investment in return
What is a virtual machine?
According to IBM, “a virtual machine (VM) is a virtual representation of a physical computer”. An organisation can use virtualization to create multiple virtual machines, with their individual operating systems and applications running all on a single physical machine. Although the virtual machine isn’t able to interact directly with an actual computer, all it needs additionally is a lightweight software called a hypervisor. The hypervisor allows co-ordination between the VM and the physical hardware which it runs on.
What is a hypervisor?
The hypervisor, essential to virtualization, is a thin layer of software that allows multiple operating systems to run alongside each other while sharing the same physical computing resources. In order to create the ‘partition’, the hypervisor assigns each VM its own portion of underlying computing power, memory and storage, which prevents VMs from interfering with each other.
How does virtualization benefit my organisation?
Ultimately at the end of the day, businesses and organisations need to adapt to changes in the modern tech environment, and that means streamlining business processes in order to grow and expand. Virtualization indirectly achieves this goal, by reducing costs and improving workflow efficiencies.
Virtualization allows organisations to consolidate excess server and desktop hardware, which means reduced costs and lower power consumption fees. Furthermore, the absence of unnecessary physical servers means less floor space required, which translates into costs saved on rent which could be better used elsewhere instead.
To mention an excellent example, Microsoft Azure VM is one of the leaders in the world for virtual machines, and has the added advantage of seamless integration with other industry standard Microsoft software. The seamless integration means better workflows, and overall increase in productivity. Find out more about Azure on the Netmarks Singapore website.